Lebasque, Henri (1865-1937)

Creator details

Lebasque, Henri (1865-1937)
Henri Lebasque was a French painter born in Champigné in 1865. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris and was influenced by the Impressionist movement. Lebasque's paintings are characterized by their bright colors, loose brushstrokes, and emphasis on light and atmosphere. He often depicted scenes of leisure and pleasure, such as beaches, gardens, and cafes. Lebasque was a member of the Salon d'Automne and the Société des Artistes Indépendants, and his work was exhibited in many prestigious galleries and museums throughout Europe. He also worked as a decorative artist, creating murals and stained glass windows for churches and public buildings. Lebasque died in 1937, leaving behind a legacy of joyful and vibrant paintings that continue to captivate audiences today.

Assets (141 in total)

The Bath; Le Bain,  (oil on canvas)
Woman in a White Dress; La Femme en Robe Blanche, c.1923 (oil on canvas)
Girl Reading (oil on canvas)
The Boat on the Marne, 1905 (oil on canvas)
Nono with Umbrella; Nono a l'Ombrelle, (oil on canvas)
Three Women on the Beach; Trois Femmes a la Plage,  (oil on canvas)
Odalisque, 1925 (oil on canvas)
Young woman with an Umbrella, Saint Maxime; Jeune Fille a l'Ombrelle Saint-Maxime, c.1918 (oil on canvas)
Saint-Gildas Point, 1922 (oil on canvas)
The Musicians; Les musiciens, c.1930 (oil on canvas)
The Picnic, 1903 (oil on canvas)
The Garden on the Morgat Bay; Le Jardin sur la Baie a Morgat, 1924 (oil on canvas)

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