Unknown Artist

Creator details

Unknown Artist

Assets (309 in total)

Baruch Spinoza (engraving)
Immanuel Kant (litho)
Anne Bonney (print)
Plato, Palmin Collection Card (print)
Canute the Great and His Queen Emma of Normandy (engraving)
Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) Portuguese Explorer and Circumnavigator (print)
Johannes Gutenberg (print)
Empress Koken (718-770), also known as Empress Shotoku, 46th and 48th Imperial Ruler of Japan (print)
Kublai Khan (print)
Letter written by Two French Boys to the BBC, 1940 (ink on paper)
The Siege of Jericho, Chapter 3, Verse 17 from the Bible (print)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (print)

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