La Hire or La Hyre, Laurent de (1606-56)

Creator details

La Hire or La Hyre, Laurent de (1606-56)

Assets (18 in total)

Moses and the Tablets of the Law
Allegory of the Regency of Anne of Austria (1601-66) 1648 (oil on canvas)
Theseus and his Mother Aethra, c.1635-36 (oil on canvas)
The Assumption, c.1653-5 (oil on canvas)
Mercury Entrusts Bacchus to the Care of the Nymphs, 1638
Alexander and Roxana, 1635 (oil on canvas)
Astronomy, 1649 (oil on canvas)
Theseus Finding his Father's Sword, 1634 (oil on canvas)
Diana and Her Nymphs in a Landscape, 1644 (oil on canvas)
Allegory of Music, 1649 (oil on canvas)
Saint Paul Shipwrecked on Malta (oil on canvas)
The Meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek, c.1630 (oil on copper)

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