Spinello or Spinelli, Aretino Luca (c.1340-1410)

Creator details

Spinello or Spinelli, Aretino Luca (c.1340-1410)

Assets (43 in total)

The Saint Prophesizes to Totila King of the Goths, detail from the Life of Saint Benedict (c.480-c550), in the Sacristy, 1387 (fresco)
The History of Pope Alexander III (1105-81): The Entrance of the Pope and Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (c.1123-90) into Rome, 1407 (fresco) (detail)
Pope and Emperor, c.1408-1410 (fresco)
The History of Pope Alexander III (1105-81): The Entrance of the Pope and Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (c.1123-90) into Rome, 1407 (fresco) (detail)
Nativity, c.1380 (tempera on panel) (see 6041449 for verso)
The Foundation of Montecassino and the Miracle of Raising of the Monk, Sagrestia  (fresco)
Nativity, c.1380 (tempera on panel) (verso of 5892032)
The Lamentation (tempera on gold ground panel)
The History of Pope Alexander III (1105-81): The Venetian Fleet Victorious over that of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (c.1123-90) 1407 (fresco)
The Heavy Stone, detail from the Life of St Benedict (c.480-c.550), in the Sacristy, 1387 (fresco)
The History of Pope Alexander III (1105-81): Construction of the Town of Alessandria, 1407 (fresco)
Vault frescoes in the Sacristy depicting the Four Evangelists, 1387 (fresco)

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