Hayden, Henri (1883-1970)

Creator details

Hayden, Henri (1883-1970)

Assets (25 in total)

Still Life with Teapot and a Coffee Maker; Nature Morte a la Theiere et a la Cafetiere, 1968 (oil on canvas)
View of Sameron, 1960 (oil on canvas)
Nude with a bandeau
Self portrait, 1911 (oil on canvas)
Still Life with Bottle of Brandy; Nature Morte a la Bouteille de Marc, 1920 ()
Still life with mandolin, 1918
Still Life with Pipe and Newspaper; Nature Morte a la Pipe et au Journal, c.1912-14 (oil and sand on canvas)
The Mouth of the River Laita, 1908 (oil on canvas)
Les Monts Moyens, 1966 (oil on canvas)
Place d'Armes, Cherbourg (oil on canvas)
La Descente des Marins, 1917 (oil on canvas)
Still Life with a Guitar (oil on canvas)

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