Signorelli, Luca (c.1450-1523) (workshop of)

Creator details

Signorelli, Luca (c.1450-1523) (workshop of)

Assets (12 in total)

Tiberius Gracchus
The monkey with glasses reading a book, 1501-03 (monochrome fresco)
Portrait of Ovid, 1501-03 (monochrome fresco)
Portrait of Ptolemy, 1501-03 (monochrome fresco)
Portrait of Homer, 1501-03 (monochrome fresco)
Portrait of Virgil, 1501-03 (monochrome fresco)
Portrait of Abu Ma'shar (Albumasar), 1501-03 (monochrome fresco)
Portraits of Ovid and Juvenal, 1501-03 (monochrome fresco)
Portraits of Abu Ma'shar (Albumasar) and Ptolemy, 1501-03 (monochrome fresco)
The Crucifixion, c.1507 (tempera on wood)
Portraits of Homer and Virgil, 1501-03 (monochrome fresco)
Portrait of Ovid, 1501-03 (monochrome fresco)

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