Didier, Jules (1831-92) & Guiaud, Jacques (1811-76)

Creator details

Didier, Jules (1831-92) & Guiaud, Jacques (1811-76)

Assets (9 in total)

The Departure of Leon Michel Gambetta (1838-82) in the Balloon 'L'Armand-Barbes', 7 October 1870 (oil on canvas)
The palace of the legislative body after its last session, proclamation of the decheance of the Empire on September 4, 1870 (oil on canvas)
Screening of microfilmees on central telegraphy in November 1870 (oil on canvas)
Transmission of Telegraphs at the Central Telegraph Office, November 1870 (oil on canvas)
Entry of the 106th Battalion into the Paris Town Hall, 31st October 1870 (oil on canvas)
Liberation of Political Prisoners from the Mazas Prison, 21st January 1871 (oil on canvas)
Leon Gambetta depart for Tours sur l'Armand, 1870 (oil on canvas)
Delivrance of the prisoners of Mazas on 21 January 1871 Mazas was a prison near Lyon, 1871 (oil on canvas)
Chantier de bois à buruler boulevard du Montparnasse en janvier 1871

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