Legros, Alphonse (1837-1911)

Creator details

Legros, Alphonse (1837-1911)

Assets (57 in total)

The Angelus, 1859 (oil on canvas)
Blessing the Sea, 1872 (oil on canvas)
Leon Gambetta (1838-82) 1875 (oil on canvas)
Tired wanderer, 1878 (oil on canvas)
Edouard Lanteri, 1898 (silverpoint on cardboard)
An Honourable Penitent, c.1868
Portrait of Hector Berlioz (1803-69) (pen and ink on paper) (b/w photo)
Portrait of Professor Alexander Kennedy, 1884 (lithograph)
Portrait of Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-95)
Portrait of Leon Gambetta (1838, 1882) French politician, from 1875 (oil on canvas)
Bérénice, 1862 (etching)
Les Marais (etching)

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