Leprin, Marcel (1891-1933)

Creator details

Leprin, Marcel (1891-1933)

Assets (12 in total)

Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938) and her cat. Painting by Marcel Leprin (1891-1933), Mandatory mention: Collection fondation regards de provence, Marseille (cm 45x54)
Pecheurs sur le quai du port de Marseille Painting by Marcel Leprin (1891-1933) Mandatory mention: Collection fondation regards de Provence, Marseille
Picador and matador in the bullfighting scene arena. Painting by Marcel Leprin (1891-1931) Dim. 50x61 cm Mandatory mention: Collection fondation regards de Provence, Marseille
Le Moulin de la Galette: view of the famous cabaret of Montmartre. Oil On Canvas Marouflee by Marcel Leprin (1891-1933). Mandatory mention: Collection fondation regards de Provence, Marseille
A Street in Avallon
The Allotments of Montmartre
Portrait of Seated Woman Painting by Marcel Leprin (1891-1933) 20th century Mandatory mention: Collection foundation regards of Provence, Marseille
La Place Pigalle, c.1924 (oil on canvas)
Le Moulin de la Galette, 1918
The Flower Market, 1924
Le marche place de Lenche a Marseille Painting by Marcel Leprin (1891-1933) Dim. 50x61 cm Mandatory mention: Collection foundation regards of Provence, Marseille
The Ball at the Moulin Rouge

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