Weir, Julian Alden (1852-1919)

Creator details

Weir, Julian Alden (1852-1919)

Assets (39 in total)

A Vase of Roses, c.1880s (pastel on paper)
The East River - Night Scene (pastel)
The Lace Maker, 1915 (oil on canvas)
Roses, c.1880-90 (oil on canvas)
Nassau, Bahamas, (oil on canvas)
Driving the Cows Home (original title: Haunt of the Woodcock) (oil on canvas)
John Henry Twachtman, 1894 (oil on canvas)
Self Portrait, 1886 (oil on canvas)
The Oldest Inhabitant, 1876 (oil on canvas)
A Spanish Town
The Factory Village, 1897 (oil on canvas)
The Grey Bodice, 1898 (oil on canvas)

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