Hayez, Francesco (1791-1882)

Creator details

Hayez, Francesco (1791-1882)

Assets (113 in total)

Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem (oil on canvas)
Count Camillo Cavour (1810-61) (oil on canvas)
Rinaldo and Armida, 1812-13 (oil on canvas)
The Two Foscari: Francesco Foscari, Doge of Venice (c.1372-1457) banishing his son Jacopo on the charge of treasonable correspondence while in exile; subject of Bryon's poetic drama 'The Two Foscari'
Samson Slays the Lion
The last kiss of “Juliet and Romeo”, by Shakespeare. Painting by Francesco di Hayez, 1823. Villa Carlotte. Lake Come.
The Kiss, 1859 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the Unnamed, c.1845 (oil on canvas)
Self Portrait, c.1860-62 (oil on canvas)
Carolina Zucchi, 1825 (oil on canvas)
Self Portrait, 1878 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Camillo Benso, count of Cavour (1810-1861).

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