Diziani, Gasparo (1689-1767)

Creator details

Diziani, Gasparo (1689-1767)

Assets (26 in total)

The Entrance of Alexander the Great (356-23 BC) into Babylon (oil on canvas)
St. Francis' Ecstasy, by Gaspare Diziani, 1727, 18th Century, oil on canvas
The Apotheosis of St. Stephen
St. Ambrose in Glory (oil on canvas)
Apotheosis of the Capodilista Ensign, by Gaspare Diziani, 18th Century, fresco
Hercules, Nessus and Deianira, after 1746 (oil on canvas)
Saints Joseph and John the Baptist, 1755 (oil on canvas)
Assumption of The Virgin
King David and Ahitophel (oil on canvas)
Virgin Gives the Marian Scapular to Saint Simon Stock (Vergine che porge lo scapolare a San Simone Stock), by Gaspare Diziani, 1728-1731, 18th Century, oil on canvas
Gentleman at a window, by Gaspare Diziani, 18th Century, fresco
St. Vincent Ferrer performing a miracle

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