Swinford, Hepzibah (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Swinford, Hepzibah
Hepzibah Swinford is a self-taught painter with a wonderfully idiosyncratic vision. She paints flowers - celebrating the limitless variety of their forms, their textures, their colours, their abundance and their beauty. In her paintings the flowers are gathered together into spectacular arrangements - like floral firework displays; they spring up from elegantly decorated vases, set against richly patterned grounds, and are often framed in reclaimed 'vintage' frames. The daring naivety of Swinford's style conceals her deep understanding of - and love for - her subject. Swinford's flowers are never generic. Her approach also accentuates her wonderful sense of design. The subtle simplifications of form, the radical flattening of perspective, the meticulous touches of detail, all combine to give Swinford paintings a contemplative, almost an iconic, force.

Assets (6 in total)

Purple Flowers, 2021, oil on board
Tapestry Flowers, 2018, oil on canvas
Purple Flowers, 2021, oil on canvas
Forget Me Nots, 2018, oil on canvas
Flowers in a Circle (oil on board)
Flowers in a Jar, 2016, oil on board

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