Smirnov, Dmitri

Creator details

Smirnov, Dmitri

Assets (36 in total)

Musical tree - drawing of a tree with the stems as musical staves and various musical notation symbols drawn on them
Diminuendo face - a singing face drawn using the musical symbol for diminuendo and various other musical notation
Musical dog - a dog drawn using musical notation
Elegy - drawing of a musical score with the notation forming a face, and bells hanging off the staves
Musical face - a female face drawn using musical notation
Dzen - a face drawn using musical notation
'Glisstering Hair' - a face drawn using musical notation
Musical cat - a cat drawn using musical notation
Ludwig van Beethoven - caricature of the German composer
Sharp face - a face drawn using the musical symbol for sharp and other musical notation
Feast of Joy - drawing of a music score with worms eating through the page
Musical gladiator - a face drawn using musical notation

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