Geiger, Peter Johann Nepomuk (1805-80)

Creator details

Geiger, Peter Johann Nepomuk (1805-80)

Assets (57 in total)

The three Confederates taking oath on the Grutli According to the founding myth of Switzerland, the three confederates Arnold de Melchtal, Walter Furst and Werner Stauffacher representing the vallees of Uri, Schwytz and Unterwald made a federal pact proclaiming the perpetual alliance of their three communities in 1307 (Rutlischwur, legendary oath of the Old Swiss Confederacy, taken on the Rutli, Seelisberg, 1307) Drawing a pen drawn from “” Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes”” by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private collection
Barbarian Invasion: “” The king of the huns Attila (406-453) apprehended to sieger the city of Aquilee in Italy watches with his soldiers, 18/07/452” (Invasion of Italy: King of the huns Attila shows to his soldiers the city of Aquileia just before he destroys it, 452) Feather drawing from “” Historische Memorabilien of Auslandes”” (Souvenirs historical) by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private Collection
The coup d'état of Kaiserswerth, 1062: Archeveque Anno of Cologne kidnaps the king of the Romans Henry IV still a child to exercise effective regency on the Holy Roman Empire instead of the imperial mother Agnes d'Aquitaine”” (1062, the archbishop of Cologne, Anno II, kidnapped the underage German King Heinrich IV from koken and in this way obtained the unofficial regency of the Holy Roman Empire) Drawing a la pen from “” Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes”” by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private collection
The conviction of Johann Friedrich Struensee (1737-1772), royal doctor of Christian VII of Sweden and lover of Queen Caroline Mathilde (Caroline-Mathilde) (1751-1775) in 1772 (The condemnation of royal physician Johann Friedrich Struensee and lover of Queen of Denmark Caroline Matilda, 1772) tires of “” Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes”” (Historical Souvenirs) by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private Collection
The false Sebastian: after the death of King Sebastian of Portugal, whose remains were not found, several people pretended to be the king reappeared to guide his people, one of them halted in Naples walked in the street under the gaze of the inhabitants, 1598 (After the dead without body of king Sebastian of Portugal (and sebastianism belief) men fraudulently claiming to be the king, one of them in Naples is shown to the populace on a donkey's back, 1598) Drawing a la plume tires de “” Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes”” (Historical Souvenirs) by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Collection privee
Vandal War: “” The surrender of the King of the Vandals Gelimer kneels before the Byzantine General Belisaire (500-565) in March 534, Carthage, Africa” (Vandalic war: vandal king Gelimer surrendering to general Belisarius, 534, Africa) Drawing a pen drawn from “” Historische Ausabilien des In-und Landes”” (Historical Souvenirs) by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private Collection
War against the Vikings: “” The king of Wessex Alfred I the Great (846-899) disguise as a harpist enters Guthrum camp to derober his battle plans, Somerset 878 (King Alfred the Great, disguised as a musician, viewing the situation of the enemy in the Danish camp, previous to his defeating them in the somerset, 876-878) Drawing a la plugins me “Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes”” by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private Collection
Egypt's Expedition: The Destruction of the Orient at the Battle of the Nile (Battle of Aboukir) in August 1798 (Battle of aboukir bay: the Destruction of L'Orient at the Battle of the Nile, August 1798) Feather drawing from “Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes” by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Collection private
Prinzenraub: Abduction of the princes Ernest and Albert, son of Frederick II of Saxony in July 1455 by the knight Kunz von Kaufungen (Kunz kidnapped Frederick of Saxony two sons, Ernest and Albert, from the castle of Altenburg in what was called the Prinzenraub, July 1455) Pen drawing tires by Historische Austin Memorabilien Landes”” (Memories) historical) by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private Collection
The death of the king of the huns Attila (395-453) during his sleep on his wedding night with the germaine Ildico, 453 (Death of Attila, ruler of the huns on his wedding night, her bride Ildico weeps over his body, 453) Feather drawing drawn from “Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes” (Historical Souvenirs) by Anton Zieg, 1840 Private Collection
Sultan Bayezid I (or Bajazet, 1360-1403) in a cage after his defeat to Tamerlan (Timur) (1336-1405) Mongolian prince and descendant of Genghis Khan, in the Battle of Angora (Ancyre or Ankara), July 1402 (Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Bayezid I prisoner of Mongolian monarch Timur (Tamerlane) (1336-1405) after the battle of Ankara, july 1402) Drawing in the pen from “” Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes”” by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private collection
Conspiracy against Louis the Pious (778-840) Emperor of the West, his son Lothaire imposed on him a public penitence on the monastery of Saint Medard de Soissons in 833 (Louis the Pious doing penance and publicly confess many crimes during a synod in the Church of Saint Mary in Soissons, France, presided by Ebbo of Rheims, 13th November 833) Drawing a pen tires about “” Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes”” by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private collection

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