Goodwin, Albert (1845-1932)

Creator details

Goodwin, Albert (1845-1932)

Assets (239 in total)

The Viking Sea Raiders (colour litho)
Sunset, Venice, 1902 (w/c on paper)
Venice from the Hebrew Cemetery
Canterbury Cathedral
The Toilers' Return, 1877 (oil on canvas)
Mountain Mist, 1870 (oil on board)
Flying Buttresses, 1925 (w/c, crayon, pen and ink on paper)
Durham Cathedral, 1903 (bodycolour, w/c & ink on paper)
Salisbury Cathedral: The West Front and Spire (pencil, pen and ink, w/c and oil on card)
Mounts Bay, Cornwall
Robinson Crusoe (w/c on paper)
Edinburgh from Salisbury Crags, 1917 (w/c on paper)

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