Eletti, Valerio

Creator details

Eletti, Valerio
Valerio Eletti (Verona 1947) is the author of drawings and illustrations executed under the pseudonym V'Eletti, mainly between the mid-1970s and the mid-1980s, for newspapers such as La Repubblica, Panorama and L'Espresso, where he was also head of the cover department. Before then, he held several exhibitions as a painter and founded the experimental gallery Spazioarte. From the mid-1980s onwards he worked in publishing, multimedia, teaching, and was editor-in-chief of Art e Dossier and Storia dell'arte. Most of Valerio Eletti's graphic works (more than 700 illustrations) are held at the CSAC, the "Centro Studi e Archivio della Comunicazione" of the University of Parma (catalogue edited by A. Bolzoni, 1985).

Assets (74 in total)

Dancing scandal, 1980 (black ink on cotton paper)
And then yet another minuet: music!, 1980 (black ink on cotton paper)
Music and music and music, 1980 (black ink on cotton paper)
Renaissance music, jazz and rock 'n roll, 1980 (black ink on cotton paper)
The elegance of one, 1979 (black ink on cotton paper)
Reflections of the double, 1979 (black ink on cotton paper)
The symmetries of the number three, between the sacred and the profane, 1979 (black ink on cotton paper)
The established order, rules and tables of law, 1979 (black ink on cotton paper)
Le stelle, the stars again, 1979 (black ink on cotton paper)
The gentleman's question mark, 1985 (black ink on cotton paper)
Exotic labyrinth, 1982 (black ink on cotton paper)
All the wine in the world, 1985 (black ink on cotton paper)

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