Ligozzi, Jacopo (1547-1626)

Creator details

Ligozzi, Jacopo (1547-1626)

Assets (34 in total)

PD.54-1997 View of the Monastery of La Verna, The Courtyard and The Well, c.1607-12 (wash, pen & ink on paper)
Still Life with Birds and Fruit, c. 1650 (w/c with graphite, heightened with lead white)
Herbarium : Quercus robur (oak leaf) Parus Caeruleus (blue tit), Motacilla Trogcodytes (Troglodyte in the centre) and Fringilla Coelebs (chaffin) in the bottom of the image
Berber with a giraffe (tempera on paper)
Janissary (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
Herbarium : Tolipa Gesaeriana (Tulip)
Fish (w/c on paper)
Herbarium : Atropa mandragora
Profile of Woman wearing a Fantastical Head-dress with Grotesque Masks (pen & ink)
Fortune (panel)
PD.53-1997 View of the Monastery of La Verna, Entrance Gate and Bell Tower, c.1607-12 (wash, pen & ink on paper)
Herbarium : Digitalis purpurea with Papilio paphia (butterfly)

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