Bourdichon, Jean (1457-1521)

Creator details

Bourdichon, Jean (1457-1521)

Assets (21 in total)

The Four Conditions of Society: Work, 15th century (vellum)
The Four Conditions of Society: Nobility (vellum)
The Four Conditions of Society: Poverty, 15th century (vellum)
Ms lat 9474 f.3v Anne of Brittany with St. Anne, St. Ursula and St. Helen, miniature from the Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany, c.1503-8 (vellum)
St. Luke Writing, from a Book of Hours (vellum)
Portrait of Anne of Brittany, Queen of France, in prayer with her holy patron saint Saint Anne, Saint Helene and Saint Ursule, 1503-08 (miniature)
Louis XII (1462-1515) received six bourgeois from Genes kneeling (25 April 1507), 1508 (miniature)
Louis XII (1462-1515) entering Genoa under a canopy, followed by four cardinals, from the 'Hours of Anne of Brittany', 1515-20 (vellum)
The Four Conditions of Society: The Wild State (vellum)
Botanical: chamomile with ladybug and dragonfly, 1503-1508 (miniature)
The Genois attacked the Castellacio de Genes guard by the French (12 March 1507), 1508 (miniature)
The triumphal entrance of King Louis XII (1462-1515), 1507 (miniature)

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