Palma Il Giovane (Jacopo Negretti) (1548-1628)

Creator details

Palma Il Giovane (Jacopo Negretti) (1548-1628)

Assets (112 in total)

The Taking of Constantinople (oil on canvas)
Justice and Peace (oil on canvas)
Return of the Prodigal Son (oil on canvas)
Perseus Rescues Andromeda, c.1610 (oil on canvas)
Allegory of the League of Cambrai (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a Man, 1600-1610 (oil on canvas)
Victory of the Venetians against the Milanese on the Po near Cremona, c.1579 (oil on canvas)
St. Mark
Pope Paul IV Handing over a Statute
Pope Alexander III and Doge Sebastiano Ziani Send the Young Ottone to Frederick Barbarossa, c.1583 (oil on canvas)
Woman fleeing the dragon (oil on canvas)
Madonna Carried by Angels (ceiling fresco)

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