Procaccini, Camillo (c.1560-1629)

Creator details

Procaccini, Camillo (c.1560-1629)
Italian mural painter.

Assets (56 in total)

The Drunkenness of Noah
Adoration of the Shepherds, 1584 (oil on canvas)
Last Judgement, detail (fresco)
Head of a bearded man, looking up to the right (black & red chalks on grey paper)
Flying angel with monstrance, 1550 - 1608 (pencil and red watercolor on paper)
Detail of angel musicians from the vault of the choir (fresco)
The Transfiguration, 1587-90 (etching on cream laid paper)
Decoration of the nymphaeum, Villa Visconti Borromeo, Litta, 1587 - 1589 (painted stone mosaic)
The Crucifixion, (oil on canvas)
Saints, coffered ceiling, c.1605
Last Judgement, detail (fresco)

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