Grignoux, (active c.1931-1935)

Creator details

Grignoux, (active c.1931-1935)

Assets (15 in total)

Portrait of the Portuguese navigator Vasco de Gama (1469-1524) on the occasion of the fourth centenary of his death. Illustration of Gignoux in “” Le Pelerin”” of February 1, 1925.
Chefs of French West Africa visiting the Colonial Exhibition in Vincennes. Illustration of Gignoux. In “” Le Pelerin”” of July 19, 1931.
Portrait of American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), who has just been reelected. Illustration of Gignoux in “” Le Pelerin”” of November 22, 1936.
Pelerinage of the Gypsies to the Saintes Maries of the Sea: after the blessing of the sea, the statues of the Saintes Maries (Saintes-Maries), ported on the Shoulders of the Gypsies, return to the song of the hymns, and on their journey the guardians of the Camargue make the hedge. Illustration of Gignoux. In “” Le Pelerin”” of June 21, 1936.
Chamois restocking of the French Alps: men transport chamois in wooden boxes to the top before releasing them. Illustration of Gignoux. In “” Le Pelerin”” of February 17, 1935.
Portrait of Jean-Louis (Jean Louis) Forain (1852-1931) French painter - Illustration of Gignoux in “” Le Pelerin”” of November 22, 1931
Mother of family learning to pray to her children. Illustration of Gignoux. In “” Le Pelerin”” of June 7, 1936.
Spanish Civil War: the population of the Alcazar of Toledo welcoming General Franco's troops after several days of siege. On the right, Colonel Moscardo (1878-1956), chief of the troops, greeting Franco (1892-1975). Illustration of Gignoux. In “” Le Pelerin”” of October 18, 1936.
The inhabitants of Chauvirey-le-Chatel (Chauvirey le Chatel) (Haute Saone, 70) stand guard to stop the demolition of the Saint Hubert chapel (Gothic style of the 15th century), offered by the French State to J.D. Rockefeller. Illustration of Gignoux. In “” Le Pelerin”” of December 13, 1936.
Wish for the year 1936: “Work in peace!” Illustration of Gignoux in “” Le Pelerin”” of December 29, 1935.
The “gauchos”, at rest in the Argentine pampa, take their flock to pinch the guitar while preparing their meal. Illustration of Gignoux in “” Le Pelerin”” of August 30, 1936.
The tomb of Marechal Hubert (Louis-Hubert-Gonzalve) Lyautey (1854-1934) in front of the Minaret of the Necropolis of Chellah (13th century) in Rabat, Morocco. Illustration of Gignoux. In “” Le Pelerin”” of October 27, 1935.

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