Sert, José María (1874-1945)

Creator details

Sert, José María (1874-1945)
In 1899-1900, Sert moved to Paris, France, where he painted murals for public and private buildings. He began experimenting with photography in 1900, mainly photographing compositions using human and wooden models. He later used these figure studies for his large-scale mural paintings. From 1904 to 1926, Sert decorated the cathedral of Vich in Catalonia, Spain. The cathedral was largely destroyed in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War, so Sert painted a second set of mural paintings for the reconstructed cathedral from 1938 to 1945. In 1930, Sert travelled to New York City, New York, United States, where he decorated the Waldorf Astoria Hotel and Rockefeller Center. In 1936, Sert decorated the Assembly Hall of the United Nations, Geneva. Spanish artist, act. in Argentina.

Assets (3 in total)

Aventures de Simbad de Marin: Simbad et la Baleine, 1924  (oil on panel)
Aventures de Simbad de Marin, 1924  (oil and gold leaf on panel)
Aventures de Simbad de Marin: lLépouvantable Géant, 1924  (oil on panel)

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