Charalambous, Sophie (b.1973)

Creator details

Charalambous, Sophie (b.1973)
Sophie Charalambous is a Visual Artist and Designer. She combines her own practice with working collaboratively in the theatre and leading arts projects with community groups. She enjoys experimenting with many different materials and techniques to create beautiful theatrical images on paper, canvas and for the stage. She also teaches at the Royal Drawing School.

Assets (32 in total)

Tuscan Landscape, 2017 (monoprint)
Life Still Winter, 2014 (w/c and ink on Khadi paper)
North London View with Ted, 2014 (w/c and ink on Khadi paper)
Leaving the Goat Farm, 2017 (monoprint)
Full House at the Royal Court, 2012 (w/c and ink on Khadi paper)
The Pierhead Wapping, 2011 (w/c and ink on Khadi paper)
The Palace Theatre at Night, 2012 (w/c and ink on Khadi paper)
Dhahlia Garden, 2019 (w/c and ink on Khadi paper)
Into the Woods, 2018 (monoprint)
Goats Under the Carob Trees, 2018 (monoprint)
Comings and goings, 2018 (monoprint)
Chloraka Coastline, 2017 (w/c and ink on Khadi paper)

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