Ferrez, Marc (1843-1923)

Creator details

Ferrez, Marc (1843-1923)
In 1851, Ferrez travelled to France to study with the sculptor Alph351e Dubois. In 1859, he returned to Rio de Janeiro and was apprenticed to the lithographer George Leuzinger. He then learned photography from another employee, Franz Keller, and began to produce photographs of the city that were sold to tourists at Leuzinger's shop. Ferrez opened his own studio in Rio de Janeiro in 1865 called 'Marc Ferrez & Cia.', which specialized in scenic views of Brazil. In 1875, Ferrez joined the Charles Frederick Hartt expedition and produced photographs for the Brazilian Geological Commission who sponsored the project. In 1902, Ferrez was commissioned by the government of Brazil to document the modernization of Rio de Janeiro. He photographed each architectural fa347ade before demolition and every new building that was erected.

Assets (14 in total)

A street in Ouvidor, Brazil, 1890 (b/w photo)
View of Botafogo, Brazil (b/w photo)
A canal in Bahia, from the album Rio (b/w photo)
Ponte Grande in San Paolo, from the album Rio (b/w photo)
Ponte Grande in Sao Paolo, from the album
A street in Bahia, from the album
Rio de Janeiro'. Petropolis Station, 1850-1900 ca (b/w photo)
'Rio de Janeiro'. Petropolis Station, c.1880-90 (b/w photo)
View of Santa Teresa in Brazil, c.1880-90 (b/w photo)
View of Saint Therese in Brazil, 1880-1890 ca. (b/w photo)
A street in Ouvidor, Brazil, 1880-1890 ca. (b/w photo)
A street in Bahia, from the album Rio (b/w photo)

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