Fugel, Gebhard (1863-1939)

Creator details

Fugel, Gebhard (1863-1939)

Assets (43 in total)

The calling of the apostles Peter and Andrew by Jesus (colour litho)
Simon of Cyrene helping Jesus to carry his Cross (colour litho)
The parting of the Red Sea (colour litho)
Moses receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai (colour litho)
Jesus and the miracle of the feeding of the multitude (colour litho)
The Resurrection of Christ (colour litho)
The birth of Jesus (colour litho)
Joseph as Vizier of Egypt (colour litho)
David bringing the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem (colour litho)
Jesus mocked after being crowned with the Crown of Thorns (colour litho)
The angel giving Jesus strength during his Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane (colour litho)
The burial of Jesus (colour litho)

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