Ryabushkin, Andrei Petrovich (1861-1904)

Creator details

Ryabushkin, Andrei Petrovich (1861-1904)

Assets (26 in total)

Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich (1596-1645) with Boyars Sitting in His Room, 1893 (oil on canvas)
Seventeenth Century Russian Women at Church, 1899 (oil on canvas)
A lad has wormed his way into the girl's round dance, 1902
A Seventeenth Century Moscow Street on a Holiday, 1895 (oil on canvas)
River Kordonka (oil on canvas)
View of the interior of the Ark of Noe, 1882 (oil on canvas)
Tumenev's Estate, c.1890-95 (oil on canvas)
Banquet at the Grand Duke Vladimir the Great (Vladimir I also dit Sun Rouge, 958-1015), 1888 (oil on canvas)
Granted the Tsar's Fur Coat, 1902 (oil on cardboard)
A Merchant and his Family in the Seventeenth Century, 1896 (oil on canvas)
Young girl Moscow in the 17th century (Moscow Girl of the 17th Century), 1903 (oil on cardboard)
The servant beating the Novgorodians (Maid Beat the Novgorodians), 1898 (watercolour on paper)

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