RKO (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Welcome to my Curvilinear World, a world that waved time through Fine Art Photography, Digital Art, Propaganda and Abstract Art, Film-making, Media installation, Sound, Music, Performance, Text and Collective practices. I was raised on the shore of the Mediterranée, where blue is endless, ocre mixed with everything and shadows are black and white, for me anything is possible and almost nothing is alike in my multi-disciplinary practice. Playing with light and drawing help me to screen out sensory conflicts and remove burdensome expectations. ES.EN.FR.VA.CA. #SupportNeuroQueerTransArtists

Assets (73 in total)

The Clever Dog Collection, 2019 ( Mixed Media)
Tao, 2019 (mixed media)
In the wood, 2018 (painting, digital art)
Missy, 2019 (mixed media)
Sussex Donkey, 2019 (mixed media)
Toscana Collection, 2019 (mixed media, digital painting)
Sussex Horse, 2019 (mixed media)
Birdy Birdy, 2019 (mixed media)
Birdy Birdy, 2019 (mixed media)
Fishy Fishy, 2019 (mixed media)
Beautiful Butterfly, 2019 (mixed media)
Beautiful Butterfly, 2019 (mixed media)

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