Scott, John (1802-82)

Creator details

Scott, John (1802-82)

Assets (14 in total)

The Ship 'Salacia' at the Mouth of the Tyne
The Brig 'Margaret'  (oil on canvas laid on board)
Wreck off the South Pier 1861  (oil on canvas)
The Sailing Ship 'Anne' Leaving the River Tyne, 1859 (oil on canvas)
William Brockie (oil on canvas)
The collier brig Sicily  (oil on canvas)
The Barque `Norfolk' off Cork
The Opening of Tyne Dock, 1859 (oil on canvas)
The 'Golden Spring' off Tynemouth, 1854 (oil on canvas)
The paddle-tug Henry Wright  (oil on canvas)
The Brig 'Brotherly Love' and Tug 'William', 1875 (oil on canvas)
Entrance to the Tyne  (oil on canvas)

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