Trevelyan, Julian (1910-88)

Creator details

Trevelyan, Julian (1910-88)
The working life of Julian Trevelyan (1910-88) spanned more than 65 years. He was a distinguished artist and printmaker producing work with a broad appeal. Julian Trevelyan had no formal art training but joined Stanley Hayter's atelier in Paris in 1931 where he worked alongside artists such as Ernst, Kokoschka, Masson, Miro and Picasso. It was in this atmosphere that he turned to Surrealism and became a founding member of the British Surrealist Group. A selection of his paintings and etchings featured in the ground-breaking 'International Surrealist Exhibition' at the New Burlington Galleries, London in 1936. Trevelyan taught at the Royal College of Art. Not only was he a highly influential teacher (his students included David Hockney, Ron Kitaj and Norman Ackroyd), but he was an important innovator of modern print techniques and today is increasingly regarded as the quiet driving force behind the etching revolution of the 1960s. Julian Trevelyan was brilliantly inventive and possessed a wit and innocence of eye that could discover enchantment in the most mundane scenes. Julian Trevelyan was brilliantly inventive and possessed a wit and innocence of eye that could discover enchantment in the most mundane scenes. Julian Trevelyan exhibited regularly at Bohun gallery and the gallery continues to handle his Estate. The monograph 'Picture Language' written by Julian's son, Philip Trevelyan, was launched to co-incide with a retrospective of the artist's paintings and etchings held at the gallery in 2013. In 1998, ten years after Julian Trevelyan died, Bohun Gallery was the catalyst behind a series of major exhibitions and publications celebrating the artist's achievements. This culminated with a nationwide touring exhibition of his paintings which opened at the Royal College of Arts in Oct 1998 and showed concurrently with an exhibition of Julian's etchings at the River and Rowing Museum, Henley on Thames. These major shows were the launch for 'Julian Trevelyan: Catalogue Raisonne of Prints' by Sylvie Turner and published by Lund Humphries.

Assets (179 in total)

Hypnosis, 1935 (oil on canvas)
Bolton Mills, 1938 (collage)
Avenue of the Americas, 1984 (print)
Landscape with pylons, 1938 (w/c on paper)
Camden Lock, 1975 (colour litho)
Horse Grazing in an Urban Landscape
Antibes, 1974 (colour etching & aquatint)
Bicycle Shop, 1937 (etching & aquatint)
Loco Sheds, 1944
Olive Groves, Italy, 1933 (pencil & w/c on paper)
Spinnakers, 1971 (etching, aquatint & soft ground)
Low Tide, Durham Wharf, 1950 (oil on canvas)

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