Henderson, Keith (1883-1982)

Creator details

Henderson, Keith (1883-1982)

Assets (47 in total)

India and the British Isles drawn to the same scale, from the series 'Empire Buying Makes Busy Factories' (colour litho)
Fiji - Copra, Pineapples, Bananas, Sugar, from the series 'Some Empire Islands', 1929 (colour litho)
Mauritius - Sugar, Rum, from the series 'Some Empire Islands' (colour litho)
La Mexicana (w/c on paper)
Portrait of Madame X (w/c on paper)
Cyprus: Fruit - Locust Beans - Asbestos - Silk, from the series 'Some Empire Islands' (colour litho)
A Bomber Flying Officer from Nova Scotia (oil on canvas)
Timber in Canada (colour litho)
'Do you know that Australia...' poster, early 1940s (colour litho)
Home Afforestation (colour litho)
Lancashire Cotton Goods for India, from the series 'Empire Building Makes Busy Factories', 1930 (colour litho)

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