Ferris, Jean Leon Gerome (1863-1930)

Creator details

Ferris, Jean Leon Gerome (1863-1930)

Assets (28 in total)

Writing the Declaration of Independence in 1776 (oil on canvas)
'Let Us Have Peace' (oil on canvas)
The first Thanksgiving, c.1930 (photomechanical print)
The Abduction of Pocahontas, 1612 (oil on canvas)
George Washington visiting Bartram's Garden in 1787, painted 1900 (oil on canvas)
President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States of America and the German Kaiser Wilhelm II, in the dispute over the German Blockade of Venezuela, 1902
Washington's Birthday, 1798 (oil on canvas)
Her Weight in Gold (oil on canvas)
The Victory Ball, 1781 (oil on canvas)
George Washington and his Family, 1798 (oil on canvas)
Washington's Inauguration at Independence Hall, 1793 (oil on canvas)
Washington's inauguration at Philadelphia, c.1930 (photomechanical print)

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