Sansovino, Andrea (Andrea di Niccolò di Menco di Muccio) (c.1460-1529)

Creator details

Sansovino, Andrea (Andrea di Niccolò di Menco di Muccio) (c.1460-1529)
Italian architect and sculptor, Monte San Savino.

Assets (96 in total)

The Hope, 1505
Funerary Monument of Cardinal Ascanio Sforza, 1505
Altar of the Sacrament, 1490
Virgin Mary with the Child and Saint Anne, 1512
Funerary Monument of Cardinal Ascanio Sforza, 1505
Figure in niche, 16th century
Funerary monument of Girolamo Basso Della Rovere, 1507
The Annunciation, 16th century
The Adoration of the shepherds, 16th century
Pedestal of the Eastern facade: decoration with grotesques and racemes, 16th century (relief)
Statue of Saint Rocco, 1527 (earthenware)
Statue of Saint Rocco, 1527 (earthenware)

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