shakespeare, jocasta (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

shakespeare, jocasta
I have shown work in London, Barcelona, LA and Madrid.. I paint gardens and plants in an organic free form way. I love colour and texture and mystery and magic. I weave an intricate web of lines and echoing motifs across the canvas. My images invite people to enter into the energy of light and animation.

Assets (95 in total)

Against the Current, 2019 (oil on canvas)
Aphrodite, 2018 (oil and pastel on canvas)
Fish Rising detail 3, 2018 (oil on canvas)
fish, 2019, oil on canvas
Poppies, 2019 (oil on canvas)
Sea bass 2020 oil on card
fish heads 2020 oils
fish oils 2020
 fish in waterweed, 2020 oil on card
gyotaku fish painting, oils, 2020
fish head 2020 oils
fish dream 2019 oils on canvas

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