Mariani, Cesare (1826-1901)

Creator details

Mariani, Cesare (1826-1901)

Assets (15 in total)

Carlo Alberto giving the sword to Vittorio Emanuele II, detail (fresco) (detail of 3433390)
Garibaldi, detail (fresco) (detail of 3433390)
Detail of the ceiling (fresco) (detail of 3433390)
Allegory of the Unification of Italy (fresco) (detail of 3433390)
Studies of a Reclining Nude, seen from the Back (black and white chalk on blue paper)
Detail of the ceiling (fresco) (detail of 3433390)
Detail of the ceiling (fresco) (detail of 3433390)
Detail of the ceiling (fresco) (detail of 3433390)
Glory (fresco) (detail of 3433390)
Macchiavelli, A. Gentili, Pier Capponi and Cavour (fresco) (detail of 3433390)
Apollo (fresco) (detail of 3433390)
Dante, Petrarch, Cola di Rienzo, A. da Brescia and Vittorio Alfieri (fresco) (detail of 3433390)

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