Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco (Il Viterbese) (1610-62)

Creator details

Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco (Il Viterbese) (1610-62)

Assets (28 in total)

The Angel of the Annunciation, c.1650 (oil on canvas)
Moses Rescued from the Water, c.1655-57 (oil on canvas)
Mercury tells Aeneas to Leave Carthage, 1679 (silk & wool)
Love of Justice, 1655-58 (painting)
Love of continence, 1655-58 (painting)
Allegory of Spring, 1655-58 (mural)
Allegory of Autumn, 1655-58 (mural)
Allegory of Summer, 1655-58 (mural)
Religion and theological virtues (Faith, Charity, Esperance), 1655-58 (painting)
Allegory of Winter, 1655-58 (mural)
Boreas abducting Oreithya (oil on canvas)
The Choice of Hercules (oil on canvas)

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