Morazzone, Pier Francesco (1573-1626)

Creator details

Morazzone, Pier Francesco (1573-1626)

Assets (22 in total)

Perseus and Andromeda, c.1610 (oil on canvas)
The Oath of Brutus over the Body of Lucretia (oil on canvas)
Jacob's struggle with the Angel. (oil on canvas, 17th century)
Saint Karl, 1617
Adoration of the Magi
Saint Charles Borromee, Italian religious artisan of the Catholic Reform, 17th century (pencil)
Eucharistic Christ (oil on canvas)
Christ and the Samaritan woman at the well. (Oil on canvas, 17th century)
The Resurrection of Lazarus (oil on canvas)
Nativity, 1600-10 (fresco)
Saint Eloi, patron of the silversmiths. Painting attributed to Morazzone (1573 - 1625), Milan. CRA.
Eucharistic Christ (oil on canvas)

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