Cardi Cigoli, Ludovico (1559-1613)

Creator details

Cardi Cigoli, Ludovico (1559-1613)

Assets (26 in total)

Plan and cut of the dome of the Cathedral of Florence, 16th century (drawing)
The Assumption of the Virgin (fresco)
The Sacrifice of Isaac
The Martyrdom of St. Stephen
Jacob's Dream, 1593 (oil on canvas)
The Assumption of the Virgin (fresco)
Madonna and Child
Anatomical figure of red wax bark made by Ludovico Cardi dit il Cigoli (1559-1613) 1598 Dim 60 cm Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello
Adoration of the Magi (oil on canvas)
The Third Appearance of Christ to Peter
Self Portrait, c.1606 (oil on canvas)
The Holy Family (painting, 16th-17th century)

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