Turchi, Alessandro (1579-1649)

Creator details

Turchi, Alessandro (1579-1649)

Assets (11 in total)

The Death of Anthony and Cleopatra, 1630-35 (oil on canvas)
The Liberation of St. Peter
Allegory of painting (oil on canvas)
The Adoration of the Shepherds, c.1600-10 (oil on copper)
Perseus and Andromeda (oil on canvas)
Allegory of Hope, c.1617-18 (oil on canvas)
Poetry, 1606 (oil on canvas)
The Lamentation, c.1617 (oil, heightened in gold, on copper)
Lot and his Daughters (chalk, pen & ink on paper)
The baptism of Christ (oil on wood)
Coronation of the Virgin and Saints Charles Borromeo and Ubaldo (Incoronazione della Vergine e i santi Carlo Borromeo e Ubaldo), by Alessandro Turchi known as l'Orbetto, 17th Century (oil on canvas)

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