Frost, Luke (b.1976)

Creator details

Frost, Luke (b.1976)
Frost was born in 1976 in Penzance, he later went on to train at Falmouth College of Arts (Foundation Course in Art and Design) and Bath School of Art and Design (B.A. (Hons) Fine Art). Luke Frost’s work is principally concerned with colour like that of his grandfather and father – Sir Terry Frost and Anthony Frost. His art echoes the formality of the American hard-edge, post-painterly abstraction of artists of the 1960s and he has developed his own means of exploring colour relationships and their impact on surrounding architectural space. He began exhibiting in 2003 Cornwall where he lives; in 2008/9 he was awarded a Tate St Ives residency during which he worked in the Porthmeor Studio No. 5, formerly occupied by Ben Nicholson and Patrick Heron. An exhibition of Luke Frost’s work ‘Paintings in Five Dimensions’ was shown at Tate St Ives in 2009. In the following year he was given a solo show at the Beaux Arts Gallery in London.

Assets (18 in total)

Deep Scarlet Volts, 2015 (acrylic & collage on aluminium)
Sienna Volts, 2015 (acrylic & collage on aluminium)
Cadmium Orange and Pyrrole Red Volts, 2014 (acrylic on aluminium)
Cadmium Orange and Dairylide Yellow Volts, 2016 (acrylic & collage on aluminium)
Cadmium Orange and Orange Yellow Volts, 2015 (acrylic & collage on aluminium)
Cerulean Grey and Cyan Volts, 2015 (acrylic & collage on aluminium)
Red Sienna Volts, 2015 (acrylic & collage on aluminium)
Supervolts no.4', 2010 (acrylic on canvas)
Supervolts no.4', 2010 (acrylic on canvas)
Azurite and Cerulean Blue Volts, 2016 (acrylic & collage on aluminium)
Deep Orange Volts, 2015 (acrylic & collage on aluminium)
Primary Cyan Grey Volts (acrylic on canvas)

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