Tarbell, Edmund Charles (1862-1938)

Creator details

Tarbell, Edmund Charles (1862-1938)

Assets (22 in total)

Reverie (Katherine Finn) 1913 (oil on canvas)
On Bos'n's Hill, 1901 (oil on canvas)
Mother and Child in a Boat, 1892 (oil on canvas)
Preparing for the Matinee, 1907 (oil on canvas)
Girl Reading, 1902 (oil on canvas)
Arrangement in Pink and Gray (Afternoon Tea) (oil on canvas)
New England Interior, 1906 (oil on canvas)
The Venetian Blind (oil on canvas)
Girl Writing, 1917 (oil on canvas)
Emeline and Josephine Tarbell, c.1905 (oil on canvas)
Interior with Mother and Child (oil on canvas)
Mother and Child in Pine Woods, c.1893 (oil on canvas)

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