Bartolo, Taddeo di (1362/63-1422)

Creator details

Bartolo, Taddeo di (1362/63-1422)

Assets (65 in total)

View of the town of San Gimignano, with houses and monuments, detail  (painting, 15th century)
Perspective map of Rome with the monuments of antiquity, 1414 (fresco)
Adoration of the shepherds - tempera on wood, 1409
The Virgin and Child Altarpiece, c.1400 (painting)
Jesus Christ Blessing, detail from a polyptyc, 1403 (tempera on panel)
The Virgin of the Annunciation Altarpiece, beginning of the 15th century (oil on canvas)
Christ, as Judge, among the Prophets and Angels, Virgin Mary and Saint John, 1393 (fresco)
Christ, as Judge, among the Prophets and Angels, Virgin Mary and Saint John, 1393 (fresco)
Funeral of the Virgin, 1415 (fresco)
Aristotle, 1415 (fresco)
The Crucifixion, 1401/04 (tempera on panel)
Christ, as Judge, among the Prophets and Angels, Virgin Mary and Saint John, 1393 (fresco)

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