Coello, Claudio (1642-93)

Creator details

Coello, Claudio (1642-93)

Assets (14 in total)

Holy Communion of Charles II (1661-1700) and his Court, 1690 (oil on canvas)
Communion of St. Teresa of Avila (1515-82) c.1670 (oil on canvas)
The Triumph of St. Augustine (354-430) 1664 (oil on canvas)
Portrait de Charles II of Spain, 1680-83 (oil on canvas)
Mariana of Austria, Queen of Spain (1634-96), c.1685-93 (oil on canvas)
The Penitent Magdalene (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Charles II (1661-1700) King of Spain, 1690-95 (oil on canvas)
The Adoration by Carlos II of the Sacred Form, from the sacristy (photo) (see 61170)
The Triumph of Saint Augustine, 1664 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a child called Caterina, aged one
Portrait of Teresa Francisca Mudarra y Herrera, c.1690 (oil on canvas)
Saint Teresa (Santa Teresa), by Claudio Coello, 17th Century, oil on canvas

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