Hawkins, Peter (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Hawkins, Peter
Born on 7th February 1980 in Panama City. Having not had formal training I had the luxury of not knowing what was right or wrong. I have been inspired in the past by children's imagination and how that can take a viewer and artist anywhere. I am also interested in movement and finding the beauty on things that may originally seem rough or brutal. The aim is to create something from a seemingly ordinary original idea, to end up with something out of the ordinary.

Assets (11 in total)

Final Touches part 2, 2016 (oil on canvas)
Stretch out, 2016 (oil on canvas)
Post Curtain Laces, 2016 (oil on canvas)
Leading lady, 2017 (oil on canvas)
En Pointe, 2016 (oil on wood panel)
Arabesque, 2017 (oil on canvas)
Vintage Rodeo, 2017 (oil on canvas)
En Pointe, 2016 (oil on canvas)
Final Touches part 1, 2016 (oil on canvas)
Tipping Point, 2017 (oil on canvas)
In Control, 2017 (oil on canvas)

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