Elise, Amber (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Elise, Amber
Amber Elise is a visual artist and muralist. Using an abstract language of shape and pattern, she translates her life experiences into striking formations. Through painting, digital collage and illustration, her creations are intuitive and responsive to her surroundings. Known for her bold use of colour as a transformative force, powerful works are created. Working creatively since 2010, following her dream and passion to become a professional artist. Amber is self taught, emerging from a non-traditional background, her practice is always evolving.

Assets (34 in total)

Peter Puffin, 2014 (pen and ink, digitally coloured)
Benny Bullfinch, 2014 (pen and ink, digitally coloured)
Betty Blue Tit, 2014 (pen and ink, digitally coloured)
Balancing Act, 2016 (pen and ink, digitally coloured)
Dixie Dunlin, 2014 (pen and ink, digitally coloured)
Calendula, 2018 (watercolour, crayons & digital)
My Yellow Jug, 2018 (watercolour, crayons & digital)
Mystical Creatures, 2015 (pen and ink, digitally coloured)
Pineapple Surprise, 2013 (pen and ink, digitally coloured)
Harry Hawfinch, 2014 (pen and ink, digitally coloured)
Yoko Yellowhammer, 2014 (pen and in, digitally coloured)
Geneva Rear Steer, 2016 (pen and ink, digitally coloured)

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