Loo, Louis Michel van (1707-71)

Creator details

Loo, Louis Michel van (1707-71)

Assets (20 in total)

Portrait of Denis Diderot, 1767 (oil on canvas)
Princess Ekaterina Golitsyna (1720-91) 1759 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Dauphin Louis of France (1754-93) aged 15, 1769 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Mademoiselle Marie Salle (c.1702-56) 1737 (oil on canvas)
The Family of Philip V, 1743 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the Marquis de Marigny and his Wife, Marie-Francoise Constance Julie Filleul, 1769 (oil on canvas)
The Comtesse de Beaurepaire, 1776
Self Portrait (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a Lady, said to be Madame Adelaide, daughter of Louis XV, playing a harp (oil on canvas)
Double Portrait of the Marquis and Marquise de Marigny, 1769 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Ferdinand VI of Spain, called the Wise (1713-1759), 18th century (oil on canvas)
A Vestal Virgin (oil on canvas)

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