Maurin, Charles (1856-1914)

Creator details

Maurin, Charles (1856-1914)

Assets (11 in total)

Maternity, 1893 (oil on canvas)
Self Portrait, c.1890 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a Young Red Haired Woman, 1889 (oil on canvas)
Serum Therapy, 1896 (etching & drypoint)
Prelude to Lohengrin, 1892 (oil on canvas)
Serum Therapy, 1896 (etching & drypoint)
Plate for 'The Tea Rose', c.1900 (steel printing plate)
Tineuse de cartes, 1891
La Rose Thé (The Tea Rose) (etching and aquatint on cream laid paper)
Plate For La Rose Thé (The Tea Rose) (steel)
L'Aperitif Concert, Rue Dorsel

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