Dicker, Kate (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Dicker, Kate
Kate is a versatile artist showing a range of media: drawings, printmaking and watercolour paintings. Each medium is chosen specifically to reflect her interpretation of the different subject areas. These include: landscapes, estuary-scapes, industrial sites, engineering activities, equestrian and abstract watercolours. Commissions undertaken: Travel books Poetry Medieval cookery book Wall graphics and murals for public spaces Articles have been published in Printmaking Today and The Artist Magazine. She has contributed to two publications: Printmakers’ Secrets by Anthony Dyson and Wood Engraving and Linocutting by Anne Hayward Archives Hampshire County Council Archive & Museum Services Ashmolean Museum (R.E. Archive) Manchester Metropolitan Library (Society of Wood Engraving archive) The Royal Artillery Museum Archive (Drawings of The Kings Troop RHA) Exhibiting Kate exhibits regularly in London and has recently shown in a successful exhibition Shakespeare: A Celebration at The Bankside Gallery, Hopton Street in London.

Assets (39 in total)

Position of Importance, 2000 (watercolour on paper)
Partly Then, Partly Now, 2000 (watercolour on paper)
Blacksmith Engineer, 1996 (red and black chalk on paper)
View East, 1996 (watercolour on paper)
View for Henry VIII, 1995 (watercolour on paper)
Prancing Horse, 2010 (gouache, ink, acrylic on paper)
Suffolk Sky, 2015 (monotype/monoprint)
Horse Grazing, 2010 (ink drawing)
Green Sphere with Dots, 2013 (screenprint)
Iron Foundry
Men Working at Iron Foundry
The Downs, 2014 (watercolour on paper)

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