Wright, Blanche Fisher (1887–1938)

Creator details

Wright, Blanche Fisher (1887–1938)

Assets (61 in total)

Mary Had a Little Lamb, by Blanche Fisher Wright
Baa Baa Black Sheep, by Blanche Fisher Wright
Pease Porridge Hot, by Blanche Fisher Wright
The Real Mother Goose - cover illustration
The Real Mother Goose, title page
Hickory, Dickory, Dock!, by Blanche Fisher Wright
Cock-Crow, by Blanche Fisher Wright
Old Woman, Old Woman, by Blanche Fisher Wright
Goosey, Goosey, Gander, by Blanche Fisher Wright
Ladybird (colour litho)
Lucy Locket, by Blanche Fisher Wright
Jack Be Nimble, illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright

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