Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio of Urbino) (1483-1520)

Creator details

Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio of Urbino) (1483-1520)
Raffaello Sanzio of Urbino (b. 1483 d. 1520, best known as Raphael, was a significant Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance. For centuries, he has been recognised as the supreme Renaissance painter. His work is widely admired for its clarity of form, ease of composition and visual achievement of the Neoplatonic ideal of human grandeur. He was a paragon of classicism and he dominated the European painting academy tradition until the mid-19th century.

Assets (663 in total)

School of Athens, 1510-11 (fresco)
Aristotle and Plato: detail of School of Athens, 1510-11 (fresco) (detail of 472)
The Sistine Madonna, 1513 (oil on canvas)
St. Michael Overwhelming the Demon, 1518 (oil on canvas)
The Triumph of Galatea, 1513-14 (fresco)
Putti, detail from The Sistine Madonna, 1513 (oil on canvas)
Young Woman with Unicorn, c.1505-6 (oil on panel)
St. George Struggling with the Dragon, c.1503-05 (oil on panel) (see also 95727)
La Fornarina, c.1516 (panel)
St. Paul Preaching at Athens (cartoon for the Sistine Chapel) (pre restoration))
The 'Tempi' Madonna, 1508 (oil on panel)
The Veiled Woman, or La Donna Velata, c.1516 (oil on canvas)

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